MOU Signing between Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI) and National University of Singapore College of Design and Engineering (NUS CDE) to co-develop more

2 min read

Aboitiz Data Innovation (ADI) has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National University of Singapore College of Design and Engineering (NUS CDE) to facilitate further research and development activities in the areas of AI-enabled Sustainable Systems.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing between ADI and the National University of Singapore (NUS) to encourage more research and development in DSAI. In photo: ADI CEO Dr. David R. Hardoon (left) and NUS Dean of the College of Design and Engineering Prof. Aaron Thean.

The partnership was sealed during the ADI: Let’s Press Start event held on October 27, 2022 at the ArtScience Museum, Singapore. ADI was represented by its Chief Executive Officer Dr. David R. Hardoon while Professor Aaron Thean represented NUS as the Dean of College of Design and Engineering. The signing was witnessed by Mr Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President from the Singapore Economic Development Board.

In the photo: Prof. Aaron Thean, Dean of NUS CDE (right); Dr. David R. Hardoon, CEO of ADI (middle); and witnessing the MoU signing between ADI and NUS CDE, Mr. Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President of EDB (left).

Increasingly, more AI-enabled systems are becoming a part of our everyday lives. As technology starts developing further, harnessing sustainable AI systems into a wider range of sectors can help contribute to creating better environmental and financial stability.

ADI believes that sustainable environmental management, social responsibility, as well as fair and ethical corporate governance, are the guiding principles for the next century. Their mission to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to local and global challenges has seen successful business use cases across industries. Together with NUS, a top institution in Singapore, ADI plans to develop even more AI use cases in the built environment, urban design, power utilities provision, manufacturing, and finance sectors throughout Singapore and the region.

“We believe that the work we do at ADI demonstrates how we can serve the public interest through data science. We have seen the positive impacts DSAI brings to ESG goals. Working with partners like the NUS College of Design and Engineering, empowers us with the skills and knowledge to achieve growth across sectors benefiting Singapore and the global economy,” says Dr. Hardoon, CEO of ADI.

With NUS CDE’s expertise and focus on developing new machine learning tools and applying them to explore new functionalities, it is well-positioned to advance the discovery of progressive AI solutions.

“We are excited to embark on this journey of research collaboration with ADI to develop data-driven and AI-enabled technologies towards sustainable and resilient growth for Singapore and the region. Through such partnerships, our College brings together its expertise in multiple engineering and design disciplines such as AI, machine learning, and data analytics to tackle real-world challenges faced by local and regional communities. We see great value in working with partners like ADI to co-create sustainable data innovations,” adds Professor Aaron Thean, Dean of NUS CDE.

This partnership brings many new possibilities to the region’s AI scene and also aims to pave the way for other industries to follow by leveraging more sustainable AI systems.